
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Ho Chi Ming (Saigon) Vietnam

Arriving in Ho Chi Ming City can be a shock to the system.  Asia is quiet different from Canada and the weather in November is still warm and humid.  Some days the humidity is in the 90's.  The name changed in this city after the American war as communism became the unification power in the country. 

Ho Chin Ming City has over 20 million people and about 10 million scooters.  The road system is organized chaos.  There do not have many accidents because people are very patient and not aggressive drivers.

Shopping - Markets

Market areas are plentiful.  The Chinese market sells in bulk and the store in the city buy from them.  The Scooter market sells parts and you can get you scooter repaired.  Then there is the flower market and flowers are not expensive since they are grown in Vietnam.  When in the market there is an area for kitchen supplies, fabrics, hats, clothes, shoes, food anything that you need.  Markets are popular because you can bargain what you will pay.


In the morning men will bring their birds to the park and have coffee.  This is a social gathering for the men and the birds who learn to sing from each other.  There are vendors selling crickets that have had their wings and legs clipped.  The men feed their birds the crickets.  We enjoyed a traditional Vietnamese coffee which is strong dripped coffee with sweetened condensed milk.  Followed by a cup of hot green tea.

 Burning Buda

In June 1963 to bring attention to South Vietnam and what was happening within the country a Buddhist Monk Thich Quang Duc burned himself to death at this corner.  This was a strong political message that was directed at the US who supported the current government.

 Time for homework. School is very important for all children.

Homework among the Scooters

Lunch on the Street

 This traditional mung bean pancake is cooked outside in a wok and filled with beansprouts.  It is served with basal, mint, lettuce and mustard greens.  To eat this pancake you tear off a piece of pancake and wrap with the greens then dip into the fish sauce with chili. Delicious and very filling.

Traditional Pancake

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